About Us
The Grey-Bruce Ontario Health Team is a collaborative network of over 30 local health and community care organizations and community members working together to integrate care and improve health outcomes for the residents of Grey and Bruce counties.
What is an Ontario Health Team?
An Ontario Health Team (OHT) is a collection of dedicated community care partners who are passionate about collaboratively creating an integrated healthcare system for their community.
These partners work together to design an integrated care delivery system that:
Exceeds the needs of the unique communities it serves.
Enhances integrated healthcare services by reducing duplication of services, and improving quality of and access to care.

The Grey-Bruce OHT is striving to:
Understand and address the unique health needs of communities in Grey and Bruce counties.
Provide integrated healthcare services to improve access to and quality of care and reduce duplication of services.
Improve care delivery to build integrated partnerships between all healthcare providers, which will improve the delivery of services.
Work together to integrate care and improve health outcomes for the residents of Grey and Bruce counties.
Grey-Bruce OHT Priority Populations
The GBOHT is dedicated to enhancing integrated care for four key priority populations. These populations include frail seniors who require comprehensive support to maintain their health and independence, individuals dealing with mental health issues and addictions, unattached patients who lack a primary healthcare provider and those who have difficulty accessing a primary healthcare provider, and those in need of palliative care, who require compassionate and coordinated support.
Vision: Aging well in Grey Bruce.
Visioning Outcomes:
Seamless communication of patient information
Strong care partners and organizations
Connection to primary care
Individualized system navigation
Knowledge and education
Stainable and equitable funding
Vision: Care closer to home. Everyone is welcome. Come as you are.
Visioning Outcomes:
Meet our community where they are at
Honour lived experience throughout recovery
Champion proactive support at every age and stage
Foster strong community connections
Vision: All Grey-Bruce community members have access to primary care.
Visioning Outcomes:
Decreased non-urgent ED visits and improved wellness
Improve primary care patient and provider experience
Primary care providers are eager to come to Grey Bruce
Wrap around care accessible for complex patients
Vision: Making time count.
Visioning Outcomes:
Create a competency-based education strategy
Be an active partner
Deliver high-quality, evidence-based, and seamless palliative care in the right place

Frail Seniors
According to the 2021 Census, there are 45,725 adults 65+ in Grey-Bruce and 10,904 of them experience frailty. This represents 24% of older adults and 6% of the total Grey-Bruce population. By 2040, the projected number of older adults living with frailty is expected to be 18,708.
Older adults living with frailty need an integrated approach to healthcare so that their physical, mental, social and emotional needs are well met. This requires collaboration across many system partners and the Grey-Bruce OHT is well positioned to make a positive impact on the health of frail seniors in our communities.
Individuals with Mental Health & Addition
Since 2021, an estimated 21,900 adults within the Grey-Bruce OHT patient population have experienced mental health and addiction issues. Furthermore, approximately approximately 1600 to 1800 children and youth access community child and youth mental health services each year.

Unattached Patients
Many residents of Grey-Bruce do not have a regular family doctor or have a family doctor that practices outside of Grey-Bruce. The Grey-Bruce OHT is working with local service providers to improve access to primary care while working to increase service options for unattached patients.
With initiatives such as our Virtual Urgent Care Clinic, residents and visitors are able to avoid an emergency room visit and receive timely access to care.
Palliative Care
The Grey Bruce OHT is dedicated to improving the quality of life for our community's most vulnerable members by prioritizing palliative care. We are actively partnering with healthcare providers to create a competency-based education strategy that ensures the delivery of high-quality, evidence-based, and seamless palliative care. Our collaborative efforts aim to provide personalized support in the right place, honouring the dignity and comfort of patients and their families during challenging times. Through these initiatives, GBOHT strives to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those we serve.

Through the power of our partnerships, collaboration and consensus-building, we will be able to bring about meaningful change in our community.

Our Guiding Principles
Person-centered: We will be responsive to the needs of the whole individual, and support people to make decisions about their health based on their own beliefs, values, and experiences
Keeping people healthy: We will improve the patient experience by working with people to keep them healthy in the community
Equitable and accessible care for all: We provide equitable access to care for everyone in our community
Collaborative: We collaborate to provide high quality care
Responsive to our community’s needs: We are guided by the evolving needs of our community in the development and delivery of services

Our Values
Accountability: We believe in being accountable to our community and partners
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: We believe in supporting the diversity of our community through equitable access to safe, culturally appropriate care and services
High Quality: We believe high quality care depends on a partnership between providers and users of the healthcare system to continuously learn, improve, and transform healthcare for our community
Kindness: We believe that everyone should be treated with kindness and respect